You read well. We wanted to spark your curiosity, it’s true. But it’s not a joke. 5 pounds is what a month in England cost us 2 years ago. So if you wanna talk about low-budget travel, you knocked at the right door!
How did we do that? It sounds completely ridiculous, we know. You must think we spent this month sleeping under a park bench without going anywhere.
Imagine if we told you that during this time, we met amazing people, cycled through the English countryside and enjoyed tea and English scones in authentic tea rooms. What if we told you that we ate delicious organic and homemade meals every day, enjoyed the seaside in Brighton, the old english villages, and slept in a private comfy hippie caravan.
Well, that’s exactly what we did. Ready to learn how?

world-wide what?
It’s called WWOOFING. Those letters stand for World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. Basically, it’s a network of organic farms around the world that allows you to get in touch with farmers who need a helping hand. You can WWOOF in over 130 countries around the world!
In exchange for a few hours of work per day (usually between 4 and 6), you’re housed and fed. You live either in the same house as your hosts, or somewhere else on the property, for example in a caravan, a small cottage, a tent, etc. Of course, you are also entitled to days off to explore the surrounding areas.
It’s a wonderful occasion to learn about ecological farming and sustainable practices in general and to contribute to beautiful environmental projects. All that while living an amazing cultural exchange.

is that really for me?
However, maybe you don’t know anything about farming or you don’t think it’s really your thing. It’s true that the work can be physically demanding, but you can definitely find a place that suits you. Most of the work doesn’t require specific skills, though you need to be physically able to work.
When we were in Italy, for example, it wasn’t really a farm, but rather a little family that had gardens and some animals and welcomed tourists in rooms for rent.
The work consisted of watering the gardens on a daily basis, as well as looking after the guests rooms and preparing the dinner they could order.
Imagine sharing a meal that you prepared yourself with vegetables from the garden, supervised by a real Italian, with tourists from all over the world. All this outside with the most scenic countryside view on a large wooden table, exactly as we see it in the movies. All that without spending a dime.

how does it work?
One wonderful thing about WWOOFING is that it’s SIMPLE! Here are the steps to follow:
1. Choose which country you want to go to.
Then, register on the country’s WWOOFING website. The only negative point, in our opinion, is that you have to register again and pay the administration fee every time you change countries. Still, it’s not very expensive and it’s definitely worth it. Moreover, the reason it works this way is that each country manages its network independently, which allows a much better service.
3. Find your farm.
Pre-select the farms that interest you the most. You can usually use filters to easily find a place that suits you. Take the time to introduce yourself well in your message while contacting a future host. Show them that you have taken the time to read the description of their farm and what they need. In our experience, most people will respond quickly, but it’s normal to get a few refusals. Don’t lose hope, you’ll always end up finding something!
4. Plan your trip
Agree on the dates and start planning. In the next section, we gathered a few questions that you absolutely need to ask your hosts to plan your trip properly and avoid bad surprises.
5. Jump in and have fun!

what should I ask my hosts before leaving?
Here’s a list of things you need to clarify before you commit to the farm:
- How will you get to their place?
- What’s the exact work you’ll be asked to do?
- How many hours of work a day do they expect from you?
- How many days a week?
- What will a typical schedule look like?
- What will be the duration of your stay?
- Can they adjust to your diet if necessary (e.g. if you are vegan or vegetarian)?
- Where will you be sleeping?
- Are there any interesting places to visit in the area on your days off? If so, do they provide any transportation?
- Do they expect you to participate in family life? Do you share meals together? Will you have to cook for yourself?
- Are there any specific details you should know about? (For example, we didn’t know that there would be no running water in our small trailer community. We had quite a surprise).
The more information you ask for, the fewer surprises you are likely to get. By making sure things are clear and having a paper trail, it’s easier to negotiate with your host later on when necessary.

are there any special restrictions?
- You must be 18 years of age or older, but in some countries such as Italy or the UK, a letter from a parent may allow you to WWOOF.
- You might need a visa, but it’s very different from one country to another and very often you don’t. Make sure you’re well informed.
- In some countries, your membership includes coverage for personal accidents and liability. However, it’s not always the case and you may need to make your own arrangements. In any case, you should NEVER leave without travel insurance.

can i wWoof with friends?
Now, this could interest the introverts out there (like me, Anne-Marie!). We know what you’re thinking. The mere idea of living with complete strangers can make you want to disappear 6 feet under. You’re probably thinking “No thanks! Not for me.” We can tell you it’s kind of what I was thinking at first, even though a part of me really wanted to give it a try.
If it’s also your case, we have good news for you. You can WWOOF with one, or even many friends. The first time we were the two of us, then we were four to leave together.
Just filter the hosts with the number of wwoofers they are looking for when you do your research. You’d be surprised how much labor some farms need. In England, not only were we four friends together, we also got to work with several other people at some point. It was so much fun and such a great cultural exchange!
Being at least two in this adventure can really help, especially when it’s the first time. Now, we feel like we’re totally ready to try it alone.
So that’s it guys! We hope you’re now curious and want to experience something new! Just remember, the key is to keep an open mind from the start. You will be exposed to different mentalities, potentially physical work, and your comfort zone will be tested. But you will also grow, have so much fun and make friends. And ALL of that is the beauty of travel and adventures.
Oh and by the way, if you’re wondering what that famous 5 pounds we spent was, it was a milkshake! A little treat we decided to offer ourselves at some point in a local dinner near the caravan community where we were staying. Everything else was covered by our incredible hosts.
If you wanna learn more, make sure to have a look at the articles below. Also, let us know about your volunteer experiences abroad, we would love to read you!